Our purpose

The Naring Landcare Group was formed in 1997 to meet the need for natural resource and land management support at a local level for landholders large and small in the area.Aims:
To meet the needs of the residents of the Naring Landcare area which is evolving in response to a change in environment due to drought and then floods and a reduced dependency on irrigation water due to restructuring.
Projects in past years have included:

Tree planting and fencing projects to promote shelterbelts and wildlife corridors
Water table test well installation and monitoring.
Woody weed control eg; blackberry, boxthorn and sweet briar
Other weeds eg; Patterson?s Curse, Burrs, Khaki weed and Horehound.
Fox control through 1080 baiting and cooperative shooting with the S.S.A.A.
Feral cat control trapping and shooting
Soil Carbon testing and understanding workshops
Rubbish on public land cleanups

Current Projects:

Understanding agricultural soils better and the effects flooding may have on soils
Indian Myna control through trapping
Weed control focus on Russian Knapweed
Monitoring weeds, foxes, cats, mice and locusts for population increases

Meeting are held four times a year on the first Tuesday at 8:00 pm   in the months of May, August, October and February with special events scheduled at times.  The annual general meeting is held in May.
A Christmas party is held with the Naring CFA in December each year.  An annual Family focused event is held in March.
These meetings are held at the Naring Hall at the corner of Labuan and Naring Hall Rds.
Annual membership fees are $20.
Areas of Interest:

Numurkah Flora & Fauna Reserve encompassing the Broken Creek
Nine Mile Creek (Broken Boosey State Park)
Wild Dog Creek Reserve
Naringaningalook Grassland Reserve
Kinnairds Wetland
Muckatah drainage depression·