Yarrawonga Urban Landcare Group Inc Australia Day Award.

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YULG is a unique voluntary organisation comitted to environmental improvements and education. The members have carried out extensive plantings at Lakeside Circuit Wetlands and have diligently cared for the plants under difficult conditions. The wetlands will form one of the permanent wildlife links in the proposed chain of "green" areas between Lake Mulwala and the towns rural area. YULG is involved with other environment projects including reversing poor waste water effluent dispersal practices to "best environmental practice" at the aerodrome, they have created a permanent, healthy ecosystem and wildlife habitat in place of a polluted wasteland.

The group has also been kept busy by planting native plants in the shire's Hovell St carpark and beautifying the wayside stop and it's approaches on the Murray Valley Hwy. By supplementing shire labour with a specialised volunteer workforce YULG has donated in excess of 3000 hours all on a voluntary basis. The group's work is totally for the benefit of the environment and the community. Some of the benefits of this project have raised public awareness of the need for a healthy environment, improvement to the visual value of the Lakeside Circuit Wetlands and promotion of the use of water efficient plants