Chilean Needle Grass Information Sessions


Mid Goulburn Broken Catchment Landcare Network - Gecko CLaN

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Barry Oswald will be presenting the information sessions, focussing on identification and management.

Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana) can have a devastating impact on agriculture injuring livestock and contaminating crops and hay. Chilean needle grass is a ‘Restricted’ noxious weed in Victoria which means the plant, or any product contaminated with the seed, cannot be traded or transported. Native to South America, Chilean needle grass is a vigorous competitor in agricultural, natural and urban environments.

Information sessions will be held:
Molyullah Hall 
9-11 am Monday 12 November
Morning tea provided

Caniambo Hall 
6-8 pm Monday 12 November
Light supper provided

Dookie College 
9-11 am Tuesday 13 November
Morning tea provided

6-8 pm Tuesday 13 November
End of Nursery Lane, Goomalibee
BBQ provided

Swanpool Hall
7-9 pm Thursday 15 November
Light supper provided

Thoona Hall 
9-11 am Monday 26 November
Morning tea provided

5.30-7.30 pm Monday 26 November, Old Flour Mill, 17 Kirkland Ave, Euroa
Finger food provided

9.30-11.30 am Tuesday 27 November, MacKillop Hall, Church st, Nagambie
Morning tea provided

For more information about Chilean Needle Grass go to:

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Mid Goulburn Broken Catchment Landcare Network - Gecko CLaN
