Working Bee at Cathkin Rail Reserve


Home Creek Spring Creek

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Home Creek-Spring Creek Landcare Group

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A working Bee will be held on Sunday July 14th at Cathkin Rail Reserve.

We are in the process of completing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Shire as to what we are prepared to undertake at the Reserve on an ongoing basis.  Our longer term aim is to make this area into a pleasant rest stop on the trail with some benches and picnic tables for users and a mix of trees and understorey plants  specific to the area.

The aim of the working bee is to clean up undergrowth, rubbish and debris in the area and generally prepare for some understorey planting on National Tree Day on Sunday 28th July.  As soon as details  are to hand,for the National Tree Planting Day, I will advise members.


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Home Creek-Spring Creek Landcare Group

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Home Creek Spring Creek
