Goulburn Murray Landcare Network is a voluntary,
community run forum, operating within the Agricultrual Floodplains Area, located in the Goulburn Broken and North Central Catchments of Victoria. The Goulburn Murray Landcare Network area covers approximately 3000 square kilometers and networks 25 Landcare groups.
The Goulburn Murray Landcare Network was formed in 1995 and works closely with the DELWP; DEDJTR; the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority; Local Government (City of Greater Shepparton, Moira Shire and the Shire of Campaspe), schools and Landcare groups to achieve sustainable land management within the Region.

24 years working for the community!
How Can we help your group?

To support Landcare groups in the Shepparton Irrigation Region.
To provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and experiences between Landcare Groups.
To publicise and promote the links between sustainable production and natural resource management.
To strengthen community business partnerships, by attracting support from and building relationships with, business and industry.
To strengthen partnerships with government agencies, local government, schools, tertiary institutions, urban communities and other groups as appropriate.
To influence regional planning and policy decision making.
To seek funding for Landcare projects.
To coordinate resources and information sharing.
To encourage research partnerships with Landcare.

We offer a range of support to Landcare groups and individual landholders on how to apply for funding for projects and support with on-ground works.
We can help provide training to Landcare groups, assist with writing media articles, provide information on plant species best suited for your area and written material on wetland development and planting techniques. We also have very good contacts within agencies and can offer assistance if you are not sure who to approach about an issue.
We also have a dedicated education group who work with schools and groups to provide an environmental based education program.

Pest Plants & Animals
Weeds and feral animals are a concern to most landholders due to loss of productivity and the effects on stock. The Goulburn Murray Landcare Network aims to assist with the control of weeds and feral animals on public or private land by offering advice and support for funding. We are involved in mapping and control of weeds in certain areas.
Field Days
We present and attend field days in the Region on request and promote Landcare, encourage Best Management Practices for farms and encourage sustainable farm management.