The Pierrepoint group has been dedicated to combating the highly invasive environmental and agricultural weed, the Serrated Tussock.
Serrated Tussock is a regionally prohibited weed and is an ongoing problem, requiring treatment annually prior to the seed set. The continual work from the partnership of the landholders and the Department of Primary Industries has seen a reduction of the weed in the area, with the long term purpose being a reduced seed bank – this allows landholders to persist towards the goal of eradication. The Southern Grampians Shire has recently received funding from the GHCMA and coordinate the spraying of the roadsides in conjunction with landholder’s spraying regime. On the 14th September 2012, Minister Walsh announced funding of up to $50,000 to the Department of Planning Community and Development for local municipalities to control weed with Serrated Tussock identified as a priority for this region.