Have your say on soil

Soil and how soil promotes plant growth is complex. There are any number of ways soil productivity and performance can be measured– nutrient availability, organic carbon, microorganism makeup - but what measures are most practical and useful for farmers to use as indicators to improve production and profit.

The Centre for e-Research and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) at Federation University Australia and the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC) are seeking feedback from farmers on what indicators of agricultural soil health and function they find to be most easily measurable, practical and relevant.

The Soils CRC has produced an online survey to gather data from the people who best understand the role of soil in agriculture - farmers. The survey seeks to find out:

• What data farmers are collecting, why they collect it, whether they use it and what data they would ideally like

• What tools and methods (indicators) farmers are already using to assess their soil performance

• The current availability of soils data and the usefulness and limitations of this data

To have your say and contribute to the development of improved tools for soil performance measurement and management, click on the below or visit the Soils CRC website and complete the survey. Takes about 15 minutes.


Survey closes 27 May 2018. Results will be available June 2018 on the Soil CRC website.

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