Far East Victoria Landcare Network

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Our purpose

Network established 2007

(a) to act as an umbrella organization to local Landcare groups and provide a regional voice on Landcare issues in Far East Victoria. (b) to raise awareness of and promote community involvement in the implementation of sustainable resource management, (c) to be a recipient of funding for regionally or sub-regionally...

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Dawn Parker

Landcare Facilitator Contact

Penny Gray
Landcare Facilitator

Regions we're part of

Region 1
East Gippsland


Cann Valley Landcare Group

Assuring our future through sustainable practices and cooperation in the repair of degraded environments.

Goongerah Landcare Group

This group covers the Brodribb River valley for an area of approximately 50km2 at Goongerah.

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Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events.

Past events

Group event Event ended 11 Mar 2013

Sustainability Expo at the Orbost Show

The Sustainability Expo at the Orbost show is returning in 2013 following the success of its inaugural event last year.

Group event Event ended 23 Nov 2012

Growing & Grazing Grass - the Regenerative way with Graeme Hand

Graeme Hand manages a farm in Western Victoria and is a well known expert on establishing profitable farming systems through...

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Group news and project updates

News, 29 Aug 2016,

'Landcare - We Care' Rally Success!

Over 200 people attended the 'Landcare- We Care' rally to show support for the future of Landcare on Sunday the...

News, 29 Aug 2016,

Landcare - We Care Petition

Please downlaod and circulate this petition to your groups and volunteers to support the future of Landcare support funding.

News, 29 Aug 2016,

Landcare Survival Rally

Federal government changes to NRM funding damaging Landcare.