The Victorian Volcanic Plains Conservation Management Network operates across three regions of Victoria.We are a non-government Network
organization with a two
pronged approach;
a physical network of conservation and remnant
places across a the 2.3 Million Ha of the Victorian Volcanic Plain and,A social network of landowners, agencies and
support/ research organisations across that same landscape and sometimes
further afield.
The CMN model has been developed by the DSE to aid the coordination
of private and public resources to redress the poor conservation status
of fragmented ecological vegetation communities (EVC?s) by providing a
framework to coordinate the protection and management of remnants.
The VVP CMN is managed by a Facilitator who will promote
communication among members, coordinate events, develop projects in
consultation with members and source funding for the continuation of the
Network as well as other on-ground and community capacity building
The facilitator is also able to coordinate farm visit s by grassland
officers from member organisations including Trust for Nature and
Catchment Management Authorities. The officers are able to support the
landholders with identification, resources and offer biological advice,
coordinate formal protection arrangements and discuss available options
for funding ecosystem services.