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Reserve revegetation project in an area containing endangered species and site of historical interest
Larcombes Road Nature Reserve is an area of 2.3 hectares that contains two defined Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC) - Grassy Woodland and Swampy Riparian Woodland (both considered endangered by DSE) and an unknown species of sun orchid (Thelymitra.sp).
Sighted fauna include the grey goshawk, white throated needle tails, and grey headed flying foxes all listed in the EBPC Act Protected Matter Report as threatened.
Currently parts of the Reserve contain exotic grasses (paspalum, Yorkshire fog and phalaris) gorse, serrated tussock, briar roses and fruit trees.
The project focussed on engaging the local community in "action days' through the distribution of information fliers, and Torquay Landcare Group participation in planting program.
The intention: to protect the site (installation of barriers), remove weeds (targeted spraying/physical removal), revegetate (planting program) and work to reform the Friends of Larcombe's Road Reserve. The site has historical interest so this could provide further community interest.
Over 30 Landcare members and volunteers generously gave their time on a bleak Sunday morning (29 June, 2014) to plant the following:
43 x Euc. viminalis
43 x Euc. yarranensis
16 x Ac. melanoyxlon
108 x Bursaria spinosa
70 x Ac. verticillata
70 x Lomandra longifolia
50 x Einadia nutans
100 x Leptospermum continentale
This project has been a joint effort with the SurfCoast Shire.