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Showing groups in Local food

Anakie Community Garden

The Anakie Community Garden is located at the Parks Victoria Anakie Community Depot on Geelong-Ballan Rd, Anakie.

Barongarook Landcare Group

The Barongarook Landcare Group covers the catchment area of the Barongarook Creek which flows into Lake Colac.

Bass Coast Landcare Network

The Bass Coast Landcare Network if made up of 10 Landcare Groups which service over 850 members from farming families,...

Beechworth Urban Landcare and Sustainability Group

Beechworth Urban Landcare and Sustainability Group love growing food, planting trees, riding bikes, building nesting boxes, swapping seeds and general...

Bullengarook Landcare Group

An active community group supporting residents with activities related to native flora and fauna, plant give-aways, education and weed control.

Corner Inlet Landcare Group

The beginnings of the Group started in 1990 and aims to promote the vision of Landcare principles by working towards...

Gazette Land Action Group

The Gazette Land Action Group is very passionate about its community and the environment.

Glengarry Landcare Group

The Glengarry Landcare Group are a passionate bunch of local volunteers working with local community to coordinate activities on public...

Global Landcare

Global Landcare is a not-for profit organisation registered with the Australian government (as an incorporated organisation), which supports overseas communities...

Horsham Urban Landcare Group

The Horsham Urban Landcare Group is established to: a) coordinate family friendly activities to encourage community involvement in the protection...

Jarrahmond Landcare Group

Jarrahmond Landcare Group was formed in the late 1980s and became incorporated in 1992.

Kongwak Hills Landcare Group

“Kongwak Hills” is one of ten Landcare groups that form the Bass Coast Landcare Network.

Labertouche Sustainable Farming and Landcare Group

Labertouche Sustainable Farming and Landcare Group was established over 20 years ago by a small group of local landowners who...

Laharum Landcare Group

Laharum Landcare Group are based on the North East side of the Grampians National Park (Gariwerd).

Otway Agroforestry Network

We are farmers working with farmers to explore how growing trees can make farming more environmentally sustainable and economically rewarding.

Otway Coast Regenerative Farmers

A group of Otways farmers’ passion for building a local food economy was the foundation of a new Landcare group...

Stawell Urban Landcare Group

Stawell Urban Landcare Group is comprised of people from the township who are dedicated to the beautification, enhancement and promotion...

Western Port Catchment Landcare Network

Western Port Catchment Landcare Network lies on the eastern and northern boundary of the Western Port Catchment and has 12...

Wonthaggi Urban Landcare Group

We are a vibrant and active group with a passion and commitment for conservation.

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