On Thursday 18 July the winners of the 2024 Victorian Landcare Awards were announced at the ceremony at Docklands Stadium, Melbourne, which was attended by 300+ Landcarers from across Victoria.
There were a record number of 146 nominations for the 2024 Victorian Landcare Awards. See the list of all nominees at https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/2024-victorian-landcare-awards-nominees/
There were 17 nominations for this award category.
Read the story on the group in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024
Highly Commended:
Cannibal Creek Catchment Landcare Group
Springsure Hill Landcare Group
Read the story on the network in the Victorian Landcare magazine
Highly Commended - Merri Creek Management Committee
There were 24 nominations received in this award category.
Read the story on Marie in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/joan-kirner-landcare-award/
Highly Commended - Penny Roberts
Read the story on Peter in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/dr-sidney-plowman-travel-and-study-award/
Highly Commended - David Bateman
Read the story on Lisa in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/victorian-farmers-federationlandcare-victoria-inc-heather-mitchell-memorial-fellowship/
Highly Commended - Marissa Shean
Commended - Jonathan Starks
Winner - Annalise Varker
Read the story on Annalise in the Winter 2024 issue of Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/horrie-poussard-prize-annalise-varker/
Highly Commended - Kaye Rodden
Read the story on CARYA in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-climate-innovation-award/
High Commended - Heytesbury District Landcare Network
Commended - Western Port Biosphere Reserve Foundation
Read the story on Merri Creek Management Committee in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-community-partnerships-landcare-award-merri-creek-management-committee/
Highly Commended:
Read the story on Kevin in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-individual-landcare-award-kevin-nolte/
Highly Commended - Ian Arney
Read the story on the Blackwell family in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-sustainable-agriculture-landcare-award-the-blackwell-family/
Commended - Mount Alexander Regenerative Agriculture Group
Read the story on Elizabeth in the Victorian Landcare magazine
Women in Landcare Award - Elizabeth Ross — Victorian Landcare Gateway (landcarevic.org.au)
Highly Commended - Marney Durie
Read the story on the joint winners in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/first-nations-landcare-collaboration-award-wurundjeri-woi-wurrung-cultural-heritage-aboriginal-corporations-narrap-unit-and-darebin-creek-management-committee/
Highly Commended - Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation’ s Narrap Unit and Yarra Valley Water
Commended - Warby Range Landcare Group and Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation
Read the story on Bryce in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/nextgen-landcare-award-bryce-watts-parker/
Highly Commended - Jackson Cass
Read the story on Simon in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/greyhound-coastcare-award-simon-davies/
Read the story on Tavish in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/woolworths-junior-landcare-award-tavish-bloom/
Highly Commended - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Commended - Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School